Hi, I’m LL! I’ve founded two emerging-market companies in San Francisco, worked at Google, and am an open innovation product developer with a growing portfolio of intellectual property– including patents, trademarks, and brands.
My ideas stand out because I'm neurodivergent, which means my brain processes information in ways that aren't typical. This unique wiring combined with a diverse background allows me to see connections and spot patterns that were overlooked by others, resulting in a track record of bringing ideas to market ahead of the curve.
With a noteworthy career in Silicon Valley and intensive visits to over 75 countries & territories worldwide, I've amassed a unique collection of insights and perspectives to draw upon. Now, I'm channeling my corporate background and creative talents across a range of emerging markets that I anticipate will become increasingly relevant in the future.
We strategically develop and patent novel ideas in emerging markets that we foresee will become valuable in the future, and position our IP holdings for licensing, partnership, & acquisition
Powerful product design and UX insights from the neurodiverse, multicultural, and female perspective, identifying hidden barriers and untapped opportunities that create inclusive & effective solutions